Peltophorum pterocarpum, (DC.)

(Syn. P. Ferugineum)

Family: Leguminosae - Caesalpinioideae

Common Name : Yellow goldmohur

Telugu Name : Kondachinta, Pacha Sunkesula

General :

It is an exotic species and is largely cultivated throughout Andhra Pradesh as an avenue tree. Identified by yellow flowers in large rusty terminal panicles and large round crown. It is very hardy and fast growing.

Flowering :

Throughout the year.

Morphology of the Fruit/Seed :

Pods oblong, 5 to 10 cms long 2.5 cms broad, compressed, indehiscent, flat, and brownish. Seeds 1 to 4, usually brown, 1cm long.

Seed Collection and Storage :

The pods are plucked from the branches which are lopped, dried in the sun for 10 to 15 days and then beaten up to harvest the seeds. The fresh seeds should be used.

Seed Biology :

No. of seeds per Kg.

Purity percentage

Moisture percentage

Germination percentage

Plant percent

Time taken for germination in days

No.of seedlings per Kg.

20,000 to 21,000





7 to 30



Soak the seeds in hot water and allow the contents to cool for 24 hours.

Nursery Technique :

The species is easily raised from seeds and also be propagated by large branch cuttings. Natural seedlings coming under the mother trees can also be used for planting.